Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Rambling Daze of Memories by Rowena Patti Young

This is a book about memories, 70 years of them. Some people have similar memories, but others have never experienced such things and may learn from these. Some parts have sadness, depressiveness, obnoxiousness, and darkness, but this can disappear behind the clouds when the quirky, funny, descriptive, and sunny ones overpower them. I have included some of this in my poetry. My life has been full of challenges and I have written about most of them in this book. My hope is that those reading it will find something to help them in their lives and/or be entertained.

My husband's Grandma Young wrote a book! How cool is that? Even better is that the book is really good! 

In this she tells of her life, and some of it was quite humorous, while other parts were really sad. She talks about her first marriage ending in her husband's suicide and her son's ongoing problems with mental illness. 

I loved reading this for several reasons. 

It was a fun way to learn more about my husband's side of the family. I mean this is ancestry tracking gold! haha I have a few small story collections written by a couple of my great-grandmas, but nothing as detailed and entertaining as this. 

I felt like I could relate to this, not only because of my family ties, but because this book reminded me of my own grand (and great) grandparents and the stories of their own childhoods. I always love hearing about how things used to be compared to now. 

This is a wonderful look into the past and what Grandma Young's life has been like and how she's gotten through it. She is a woman who is strong, kind, and quick to joke and I'm so happy to be lucky enough to marry into this family. 

Here is a link if you would like to buy a copy and enjoy this book for yourself- 

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